The Eyes Have One Language Everywhere

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Nearly twenty years ago a young army officer ,who had done his stint with the IPKF Sri Lanka was moved to tears as he saw the blind moving about in the poor slums of Mumbai as a handcuffed with nothing but no hope and leading towards the life full of abundent situation. So, Mr. Roat took the step and decided to dedicate his life towards helping the visually impaired people and also for the children of poor people of slum because 90% of the people are below poverty line.

Equality between men and women, cast and culture was made.Reporting trustees gave hand to hand support for the rehabilitation and welfare of the visually impaired people, Many activities has been done by the trust and there is much more to be done by Blind Organization of India. He is a man with the purpose to lift the blind out of their bondage and set them free to achieve whatever a normal person can achieve.


Founder Treasurer

After Completing the Graduation from University of Mumbai she decided to do the social work for the backward people of india. In 2002 she met Mr. Roat and after seeing the enthusiasm in Mr. Roat of helping for the people who are visually impaired and for the children of poor people, she ask him if she can give a hand support and do the social work with BOI. She decided and took the pledge of sincerely helping the poor blind people of India and became the founder treasurer of BOI.

Asha Nair is the women who fights for the rights of blind people and give them the equal transparency as they are also the respected citizen of India and should get the equal opportunity and facility which are assigned for all the citizens of india.


Founder Secretary

Before 2002,Indeed working with another welfare society,Mr. Tahir was dedicated towards the rehabilitation and welfare of visually impaired people. In 2002 he became the Founder Secretary of Blind Organization Of India and was very focused towards the welfare of blind and fight for their rights.

He has a skilled knowledge of how to maintain the unity among all blind members and to serve equally.He also look after the Government Schemes for the welfare of blind people and put forth the same in front of blind people to take the facility associated for them by Government of India.

We have been changing lives worldwide since 2002

75% of sight loss can be cured or prevented