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“Blind Organization of India“ is a trust working for the poor blind persons and arranging funds for their betterment. Blind people from all the states are the beneficiaries of the Organization. Our Organization does various activities and accomplish several program for the better life of the poor blind persons.

“Blind Organization of India“ is a trust working for the poor blind persons and arranging funds for their betterment. Blind people from all the states are the beneficiaries of the Organization. Our Organization does various activities and accomplish several program for the better life of the poor blind persons.


Eradicating Extreme Hunger and Povert

Irrespective of any cast, culture and religion,the only thing for us is to serve the best and to move ahead with the unity.

To eradicate Extreme Hunger the Organization distribute Dry ration on every 10th of every month to the blind peoples for them and also for their family. Their are many blind people who are below poverty line, so for the upgradation of their life and to make them stand on their feet,the organization have done and will be doing various activities such as helping them to start a small business, to teach them the way of conversation and some retail techniques, to help the aged blind financially,and more as listed in our objectives.

Promotion of education

Education is the most powerful weapon which can change the world. Blind Organization Of India has been working for the cause of the visually impaired child right from 2002, when it began its National Project for Visually Impaired.Over the years, BOI has benefited many visually impaired individuals, especially children. BOI has supported visually impaired children with Braille textbooks.

Avenues for access to newer employment opportunities for the visually impaired is by opening a computer centre. The computer centre provides basic computer course for school and college going visually impaired students on the fundamentals of computers with the support of assistive technologies like such as JAWS, NVDA etc.

Employment Enhancing Vocational Skills

As of now, our trust has been focusing on “Vocational Training Program” for well educate blind persons from different states who wish to work in commercial and social scenario and earn their daily earnings. This training will be free of cost for all the educated blind persons. It can be a better source for income for blind persons and their family. In the commercial and social scenario there is a wide scope of employment opportunities available for the partial and completely blind people in both government and private sectors. Computer centers that provide training to these visually impaired people using a special software “JAWS” are very few and are incapable of serving to a large number of such people.

The Organization has an owned space where these computers can be installed and training program can take place simultaneously batch wise. Need for this training is much essential in this slum area, as many of them are unable to give high fees for learning such courses. Thus, our Organization wish to provide free training to such needy poor blind persons including men, women. So that they also can get a chance to live life to the fullest.

Thousand of students and educated blind people will get benefited from computer centers every year. BOI also organizes soft skills trainings such as in the field of communication, confidence building etc.

Promoting Gender Equality

BOI is working for the blind people since 2002 and as our organization maintain the transparency for every work done by the organization since the day one for these people is the vital reason that today blind people from nearly every state of India are the beneficiaries of the organization.

As our work is irrespective of caste, culture and religion the same way our organization promotes the gender equality by promoting both men and women with our facilities. Most of our activities are for the blind women including blind widows.

An initiative of BOI, wherein women from all over India were trained in specific skillsets in order to enable them to enhance capability levels, improve life skills and promote peer education.

Empowering Women

Women all over the world have proved that they can do great things if they are given a chance. Unfortunately, opportunities don’t always come knocking at the doors of most women in rural India.

Doing a bit towards creating a truly equitable world and support in every section of the society can be a bigger help some day.

BOI looks after the Empowerment of Women according to age group,support for education of girl child, financial help for starting small business (for both men and women), practice of small retail business,providing braille textbooks for blind both boy and girl child,etc.

Computer Education will be for both men and women.

Other Matters as may be prescribed by the Organization

Other facilities prescribed by the organization as routine help for visually impaired people and for the children of blind are;

Providing employment, helping with financial support, doing charitable events, distributing raw materials (Dry Ration) and other items like clothes, woolen blanket, study materials to blind children, free educational support, folding canes to blind persons, repairing blind people huts.

75% of sight loss can be cured or prevented

Pub.T.Reg.No. F-24477 MUMBAI.

Society Reg. No. M.S.M. 1226 G.B.B.S.D.

Income Tax Exemption Certificate No.:-

CIT (E)/80-G/1651/2009-2010/Perp./2017-18

Validity : ONWARDS



Premises no.114, "MT House",

Plot No.32, Gate No.7,

N.C.C., Malwani, Malad (W),

Mumbai-400 095.