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To promote, foster, encourage, and initiate unity among the Blind men and women:-

Blind Organization Of India is travelling faster then the expectations of the blind people.The organization provides equal opportunities among men and women and also keep the mutual understanding between them. We provide folding canes, dry ration, new clothes, household materials to the blind persons in our charity programmes also in this programme we encourage them that blindness in not what holds you back we aim to develop confidence among the blind people so that these blind men and women can live a good life with their family without being depressed.

To educate and support the children of blind persons:-

Education is the right of every human. Mostly blind persons could not send their children to school because of financial problem as they cannot afford the expenses of school/college, so with the support of donors,we help them for the study of their children.

To rehabilitate the blind as married and happy person in the Society:-

Organization arrange marriages for the blind people and for the daughter of the blind men. Financial help for rehabilitating married blind or for the treatment of individual or any dependents of blind family is the organization.

To make the blind independent citizen of India and they may perform his daily routine work efficiently:-

As like every other citizen of the country , blind person is also independent. They can do whatever they wanted to do in terms of Education, Employment etc. Therefore, help and support is provided by the Organization in financial terms to complete the education or to start employment for their daily earnings so they become self dependent.

To remove the beggar habits from blinds and help them to get employment:-

Blind persons who goes to beg for survival are being given employment opportunities to start their own small businesses like as hawkers , making candles & agarbatties, plastic toys etc. They are run with the help of our Organization.

To arrange clean residential accommodation for the blind AND To Educate and train the blind in workshop and school:-

To provide the educational facilities such as teaching Braille, arts and handicrafts, physical instructions and moral teachings & values, the organization recently has purchased a land at Vada, District Bhiwandi (Maharashtra) for the project of building Hostel facility for the blind boys and girls who are completing their education in Mumbai district and accommodation facility for the blind men and women who will get training and will work in our workshop. By the support of this project, the boys and girls can complete their education and the blind men and women can get training and can earn a better livelihood for themselves. Also by the production of the articles that are being made in this workshop, blind persons can sell the materials on marginal basis and earn their living.

To take over and to support Government Semi Government Schems, Municipal Schemes in the interest of the blind person, which are for NGOs:-

Blind persons are hereby informed about the new govt.schemes that are being introduced for the betterment of blind persons and with which they could have a stand in the society. They are informed about the State Disability Pension , Bus Travelling Concessions , Educational Scholarships etc. Surveys are carried out in the areas and also awareness programmes are arranged so that a Blind person can understand about the benefits they are provided by the Govt ., also documents that are required to gain these benefits are also being explained in our programmes .

We have been changing lives worldwide since 2002